Sunday, August 28, 2011

Parts Identification Help

As I've mentioned, my car came to me in cardboard boxes and coffee cans. With no documentation of the disassembly, I've combed NPD catalogs, shop manuals and slid under cars at car shows trying to identify parts that I couldn't find a home for. I'm finally down to a handful of parts that are still looking for a place to live. I'm posting them here in the hope someone might know what they are and where they go. As a warning, it is quite possible some of these aren't Mustang parts as we gathered up what we could find in the original restorer's garage. If it was on the floor, it went in a can. I've id'ed some of these parts since this photo. I've listed those below along with some additional descriptions. All help appreciated!

1 - front bumper-to-fender brackets
2 - original washer/thin sheet metal nuts that retain the brake drums
3 - front fender shims
4 - no idea - it's made of pot metal - about 1/8" thick
5 - no idea - thin sheet metal nut
6 - deck lid trim molding clips
7 - no idea - sheet metal hat with swagged stud - sheet metal nut
8 - no idea - hard plastic - look like some sort of blade seal
9 - these should be easy as there are 9 of them but I've yet to figure out where they go. Slight gold plating - 1/4-20 - these feel like seat bolts, heater box bolts or something in the taillight area. But I don't seem to be missing any fasteners in those areas. Five of them are 1 1/2" long, three are 2" long.

un-numbered photo - rear shock bushings (thanks to JoyRider for the id!!!) these came in a plastic bag attached to the rear seat springs.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Interior / Trunk

After missing a few weekends due to bike racing, I got back to the car Saturday for a couple hours. Finished up the Dynamat installation. There are still lots of places it could be installed but decided enough was enough. I don't plan one of those head-banging bass systems so there's no need to completely sound-proof the car - esp with it being a convertible.

With the Dynamat wrapped up, I headed back to the trunk area. I've been wanting to get the gas tank back in but was waiting until I speckle-painted the trunk area. Bought some white/gray speckle paint from Eastwood that I've used before on my 67. I like the looks of it and it goes a long way in hiding the myriad of small  bumps/dents that are inevitably found in a 40 year old car trunk. After 2 coats of paint, I let it dry overnight and hit it with 3 coats of Diamond Clear Satin on Sunday.

All that's left before dropping in the tank is touching up the body paint on the inner wheel wells and rear bulkhead. Found some Ford Candy Apple Red by Plasti-Kote on the internet tonight and ordered a can. A couple squirts and I should be nearly finished in the trunk. Just a few stainless steel fasteners here and there and running the new taillight harness.

Susie dropped off the rear seats at the upholstery shop last Thurs. I had previously sand blasted and painted the seat frames so they have been ready for upholstery for awhile now. Just needed to get them to the shop. Front seats are already done. Now that the Dynamat is completed, I can get the carpet installed, followed in short order by the front and rear seats. Someplace to sit again in the car other than the floor!!!!!